Tuesday, November 8, 2011

First Blog Post, raison d'etre

Under Colorado Revised Statue 2011 C.R.S, 6-66-2011, it states:

Any person or entity ("thing") who runs in the mountains and pretends to be an ultramarathoner or long-distance runner or some combination thereof ("runner") must, within 90 days of said entry into status of being, publish his thoughts on the interwebs on such medium ("blog") as to allow all other ultramarathoners or long-distance runners or some combination thereof ("runner") to consider his or her running in a hypercritical or highly self-conscious fashion. Violation of this statute shall result in the ultramarathoner or long-distance runner or some combination thereof ("runner") being roughed up with impunity by low-level authority figures in the mountains or backcountry in Boulder or Lake County.

1 comment:

  1. So, for 2012 I'm getting in shape and being focused on diet and exercise as a coordinated effort. I'm thinking, It would also be beneficial to determine how many calories your body burns and how many calories you should eat per day. Then you would have some accuracy in adjusting your diet for weight gain or loss. I have found an online calculator that will tell ya how many calories your body is burning and how many calories you should eat per day. For anyone interested the website is how to gain weight and the rmr calculator is located at RMR Calculator . I'm looking forward to being in top condition in 2012.
