Monday, March 12, 2012

Comme si comme ca

53 miles, 7500 vertical on the week, just shy of 8.5 hours moving on the feet. PF isn't terrible, but isn't fully healed. Hamstring isn't bad, but occasionally it feels troublesome. I'm mixing it up with the shoes. I've got a pair of clown Hokas and a pair of NB minimus, and a bunch of shoes in between, and I'm alternating between them all, never wearing a pair of shoes more than twice in a week. That seems to be the most effective way to keep the injuries away for now.

My gym has a fancy treadmill that lets you go as high as 30 percent incline. I spent my morning on that and got about 3K vertical in an hour while keeping the HR below 152. Then I went and jogged 3 miles at 8:30 pace as a cool down. Not a bad way to get the blood pumping. Not as fun as actually going up into the foothills, but time constraints with work make this a more sensible alternative for me most days.

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