Monday, May 20, 2024


That’s how many days in a row I’ve run, which is the longest streak I’ve ever had. My prior longest streak was 453, which I had going when I was in 8th and 9th grade. Yeah, I've been running for a while.

This wasn’t something I set out to do. But I got on a roll last year, and I’ve just kept it going. I had a couple of 12-minute mile treadmill jogs when sick last winter, and a couple of 4:30 am 20-minute runs before travel, but other than that, it’s been no big deal keeping it going. 

Not sure how long it’ll stay intact, but I’ll keep it going as long as I don’t have to make any unreasonable sacrifices. 

I find that keeping my easy days super easy allows me to run every day, with decent volume, and without getting injured (knock on wood). And I was not always so injury free. Unless I go down in altitude, I never run faster than 8-minute pace on my easy days. I just get out and shuffle for an hour on my easy days, and that keeps me reasonably fit and healthy. 

And of course there’s a luck component to this as well. I’d be naïve to think otherwise. Either way, fingers crossed this streak of luck continues for a while longer.  

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