Monday, February 17, 2020

Life > Running

I don’t usually post much about my personal life on this blog. That’s not because running is some all-consuming thing that dominates my entire life. It’s because it’s a running blog. Also, I’m not the kind of person who cares to share every detail of my life with the internet. I just like to think about running and share my running adventures with the 12 people who read this blog. 

But sometimes it’s hard to explain what’s going on with your running life without explaining what’s going on with your actual life. So perhaps I should explain a few things. 

Here’s what’s happening with my life right now:

-My wife is pregnant. She’s 33 weeks, 3 days as of today.
-On February 4th, she was in a car accident. She was T-boned on Poncha Boulevard by a dude who was driving way too fast in snowy conditions.
-That day, she was taken to the hospital. She was released five hours later.
-February 6th, she went to Denver for a baby shower.
-That evening, she had to go to UC Health with pregnancy complications. She had to stay there all weekend through Monday. The baby shower happened in the hospital.
-After speaking with the doctors that weekend after all that had happened, it was clear that it wasn’t safe for us to return to Salida. We needed to be close to a hospital with a NICU, because she’s at very high risk for pre-term delivery.
-We’ve temporarily relocated to Denver. We’re currently staying in the Cherry Creek area, and we will remain in Denver until the baby is born.
-Right now, the long-term prognosis for momma and baby (a boy!) appears to be good. But we’ve spent 10 of the last 13 days in the hospital, which is exactly as much fun as it sounds.
-This has been tough for me, but really, really, really hard on my wife.
-We’re hanging in there. My wife is plenty tough. Last year Mike H. described her as a “bad-ass wood-chopping wife” after watching her manage our mountain household on her own when I was useless with my broken life. She is a bad ass. But these last few weeks have tested all of her resolve.
-I’m optimistic, after all is said and done, that momma, baby, and I are gonna come out of this stronger than ever. But it’s going to take some work to get there.

And that’s all I have to say about all of that.

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