Sunday, October 27, 2019


Oct 21
3.3 miles recovery w/ strides on CR 220, 26:10

Oct 22
Am: 5 miles easy on CR 210, 39:20, max HR 145
Pm: Last workout before state w/ the lead boys. 800 @ their goal race pace (2:42), followed by 8 x 200 starting at 39, working down to 35. Around the perimeter of the soccer fields. Workout felt pretty comfortable, actually. 4.5 total.

Oct 23
7.6 miles on CR 220 in 59:50, max HR 145. Windy with a capital W.

Oct 24
Got about 8 inches of snow at my house.

Am: 4.2 miles easy on the mill, max HR 145. For some reason, I run nearly a minute slower per mile on the treadmill at the same level of intensity that I do outside. Have no idea why that is.
Pm: 3.7 miles on CR 140, max HR 145. First 3 miles in 22:18, then watched pooped out. Felt good.

Oct 25
10 x 1 minute on, one minute float on CR 140. On sections averaged 5:30, floats averaged 8.

6.2 w/ warmups, strides, and cooldown

Oct 26
5.5 miles running around at the state meet in Colorado Springs.

Kids did well, but the final result wasn’t quite what we’d hoped. 4th place for boys, 9th for girls. Most of the kids ran to expectations, but a couple of kids struggled that had been solid all year. We needed everything to go perfectly to have a chance at the win; there was no margin of error. 

Still thrilled with the experience of my first year coaching. Was a great experience getting to know the kids and rediscovering the sport of cross-country. Thinking about taking a role in winter training as well, but some details left to be determined.

Oct 27
Am: 6.1 miles, max HR 145 at Mears Junction. Watched pooped out at 4, but probably around 45:30 total.
Pm: 5 miles, max HR 145 on CR 45, 36:30. Windy and cold. Winter is coming.


  1. Ah ... State. It is why they run the race and don't just go off the polls, eh?

    1. Actually, the final polls had our boys 4th going in and our girls 10th. We were hoping we were better than that, but it turns out they were pretty close.
